To save face about making this monthly blog late, I'm going to say I was waiting to write about this topic on International Women's Day. Whether that's true or not may be open to discussion...
A Thousand Splendid Suns focuses on the lack of rights women in the middle east have. I wish I could say that I was shocked by what the women in this book endured, but so much news coverage and other forms of media have bought attention to this subject and yet no major steps are taken to correct this indecency. One major topic that annoys me is arranged marriages, this is because women are essentially given to the highest bidder in these circumstances. And usually those that have acquired money do so immorally and then are given women to marry because of these actions. Thus creating a situation where only corrupt men are happy. In A Thousand Splendid Suns there was a lot of household abuse that the main characters had to deal with. In the United States there have been steps taken to resolve issues like this with Women's Shelters. Finally, women are not allowed to go to school in the novel and in the middle east. Thankfully this has been revoked in the United States a long time ago. But a lack of education leads people to be more easily subdued in any society, since they literally do not know any better. Although there are many steps that need to be taken to have equality in the United States, I believe action should be taken by other nations to at least bring the middle east up to our current rules on equality.